A Silent (but deadly funny) Prank

  • A Silent (but deadly funny) Prank

    imageMonday mornings are tough at the best of times so when a gut-wrenchingly funny story appears on your feed first thing it’s ever so duly appreciated. Here ya'r.

    Leslie Grange was a sign-language interpreter for the BBC News. She was sacked just 2011 after complaints from death people about made up stories.

    Leslie claimed that a ‘crushing professional boredom’ lead her to mix up the news just a tad!

    The BBC had this to say:

    Questions started to be raised around the time of the Japanese earthquake when several viewers emailed us to complain about our reports of radioactive zombies sighted near the nuclear reactor. We dismissed them as some sort of organised hoax.

    However, when there were similar numbers getting in touch to ask if Rebekah Brooks was really in trouble for raping a monkey, andwhy the BBC was claiming that, as a special summer treat, the Prime Minister had told the nations teenagers they didnt have to pay for anything any more, we realised something was wrong.

    We understand this could be viewed as insensitive towards the death community but with a pinch of salt this is a cracker of a prank. Leslie did apologise publicly, not without a farewell kick!

    I would like to apologise to everyone in the deaf community, though when I had Cameron tell Obama your statesmen-like profile leaves my willy plump well, frankly I dont think that is so very far from the truth.



Submitted by Site Factory admin on

imageMonday mornings are tough at the best of times so when a gut-wrenchingly funny story appears on your feed first thing it’s ever so duly appreciated. Here ya'r.

Leslie Grange was a sign-language interpreter for the BBC News. She was sacked just 2011 after complaints from death people about made up stories.

Leslie claimed that a ‘crushing professional boredom’ lead her to mix up the news just a tad!

The BBC had this to say:

Questions started to be raised around the time of the Japanese earthquake when several viewers emailed us to complain about our reports of radioactive zombies sighted near the nuclear reactor. We dismissed them as some sort of organised hoax.

However, when there were similar numbers getting in touch to ask if Rebekah Brooks was really in trouble for raping a monkey, andwhy the BBC was claiming that, as a special summer treat, the Prime Minister had told the nations teenagers they didnt have to pay for anything any more, we realised something was wrong.

We understand this could be viewed as insensitive towards the death community but with a pinch of salt this is a cracker of a prank. Leslie did apologise publicly, not without a farewell kick!

I would like to apologise to everyone in the deaf community, though when I had Cameron tell Obama your statesmen-like profile leaves my willy plump well, frankly I dont think that is so very far from the truth.

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