The Ghost Inside Drummer Almost Back to 100% Since Losing Leg


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We've been following The Ghost Inside's road to recovery pretty closely ever since the fatal bus accident in 2015 which killed both drivers and left the band hospitalised. Drummer Andrew Tkaczyk lost his leg in the incident, which for some people would mean the end of their drumming career, but he's shown an incredible amount of spirit to find ways to continue playing and slowly build his skill back up. In a new Instagram post showing off his current ability, he says he's the closest he's ever been to 100%:

"Today is honestly the first time since our accident almost 3 years ago that I feel close to the level I was playing at when I had two legs. No, it’ll never be 100% like that again but with the help of my Dad and some incredible people, I’ve gotten pretty damn close."

 For comparison, here's a video of Andrew drumming around a decade ago, back when he was in the melodic metalcore band For The Fallen Dreams and well before the amputation:

From watching both of these back to back, you can see how amazing it is that he's gotten back to a similar level with only one leg through immeasurable determination. In the meantime, he's also started a solo instrumental project called One Decade. Dude is definitely passionate about what he does.

The Ghost Inside recently had their first band practice since the accident, and although there's no footage of the actual practice floating around, if Andrew's current ability is anything to go off, we might see some sort of official announcement from them soon.

Listen to The Ghost Inside now.

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The Ghost Inside Drummer Almost Back to 100% Since Losing Leg
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