Mastodon Have Finished Tracking New Album!

  • Mastodon Have Finished Tracking New Album!

    It’s been a while since we’ve heard too much from Mastodon but we definitely cannot wait to see them in just a matter of days at Soundwave! News of their new album emerges every now and again and it’s just been revealed that they have completed tracking!

    Brann Dailor said a couple of things about the album to Loudwire:

    Yeah, I mean, it borrows from everything we have done. I feel like whenever we write a new record or go into the studio, we always pick something from that or find something that we like from the previous albums or songs and then there is the fact that we cant really change who we are as musicians and what we kind of gravitate towards naturally together. So it sounds like us some super duper heavy stuff. Its heavier stuff than weve done in the last two albums. This one sort of reminds me of, as far as the collection of songs, reminds me a little more of Blood Mountain.

    It has some elements from all the albums in there, but then theres lots of new stuff that I dont recognize at all. Thats usually what we are really looking for, you know? Theres more of a surprise for ourselves and for fans. I, sort of, imagine people listening to it and either being absolutely horrified or absolutely loving it. [Laughs] Like, Oh my god, what is this?!

    Can’t wait!



Submitted by Site Factory admin on

It’s been a while since we’ve heard too much from Mastodon but we definitely cannot wait to see them in just a matter of days at Soundwave! News of their new album emerges every now and again and it’s just been revealed that they have completed tracking!

Brann Dailor said a couple of things about the album to Loudwire:

Yeah, I mean, it borrows from everything we have done. I feel like whenever we write a new record or go into the studio, we always pick something from that or find something that we like from the previous albums or songs and then there is the fact that we cant really change who we are as musicians and what we kind of gravitate towards naturally together. So it sounds like us some super duper heavy stuff. Its heavier stuff than weve done in the last two albums. This one sort of reminds me of, as far as the collection of songs, reminds me a little more of Blood Mountain.

It has some elements from all the albums in there, but then theres lots of new stuff that I dont recognize at all. Thats usually what we are really looking for, you know? Theres more of a surprise for ourselves and for fans. I, sort of, imagine people listening to it and either being absolutely horrified or absolutely loving it. [Laughs] Like, Oh my god, what is this?!

Can’t wait!

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